Fun Facts About Energy Conservation

Anna Naim • Jun 29, 2024
energy efficient home

As we enter the month of July, sunshine becomes more abundant and the outdoors become more appealing. The more time we spend in the outdoors, the more open we become to appreciating the beauty of nature and what makes our Earth so special. 

Now, summer is a time of fun. So in this blog, we at
Senergy Builders want to take this opportunity to talk about the fun facts that have to do with everything we stand for! Whether that’s energy efficient housing, solar power, LED lights, or a green lifestyle in general- let’s cover a basis of fun facts that have to do with eco friendliness.

Fun Facts about Energy Efficient Homes

  • Energy efficient homes can save homeowners significant money on utility bills. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, energy efficient homes can save up to 30% or more on energy costs compared to traditional homes.

  • Many energy efficient homes utilize passive solar design principles, such as strategic window placement and thermal mass, to maximize natural light and heat gain in the winter while minimizing heat gain in the summer, reducing the need for artificial lighting and mechanical heating and cooling.

  • Green roofs, which are covered with vegetation, are a popular feature of energy efficient homes. They provide natural insulation, reduce stormwater runoff, and improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.

  • Some energy efficient homes incorporate renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels or wind turbines, to generate electricity onsite. These systems can help homeowners reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and lower their carbon footprint.

  • Energy efficient homes not only benefit homeowners but also contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving natural resources, and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

  • Passive house design, a rigorous standard for energy efficiency, emphasizes a holistic approach to building design and construction. Passive houses are super-insulated, airtight, and incorporate energy-recovery ventilation systems to achieve ultra-low energy usage.

Fun Facts About The Interior of Energy Efficient Homes

  • Energy efficient appliances and fixtures, such as ENERGY STAR-rated refrigerators, washing machines, and LED light bulbs, are commonly found in energy-efficient homes. These appliances use less energy than conventional models, saving homeowners money while reducing environmental impact.

  • Energy efficient homes often feature advanced insulation materials, such as spray foam insulation or double-glazed windows, which help maintain consistent indoor temperatures and reduce heating and cooling costs.

  • Energy efficient homes often feature high-efficiency HVAC systems, such as geothermal heat pumps or ductless mini-split systems, which provide precise temperature control and use less energy than traditional heating and cooling systems.

  • Many energy efficient homes are designed with airtight construction and advanced air sealing techniques to minimize air leakage and drafts. This helps maintain indoor comfort and air quality while reducing energy consumption.

energy efficient neighborhood

Fun Facts about LED Lights

  • LED light bulbs use only around one-sixth of the electricity that the traditional incandescent bulbs use. But they are up to 40 times more long-lasting than the traditional ones

  • LEDs have a variety of color temperatures. Color temperature measures the warmth or coolness of a light source. The higher the temperature in Kelvins (K), the bluer the light. Lower K temperatures typically have a yellow appearance. LEDs with a lower color temperature can create a cozy and calming living room or bedroom space, while those with a higher color temperature are very bright and great for a kitchen or workspace.

  • According to ENERGY STAR® , the typical LED lifespan is at least 35,000 hours. Look at it this way: If an LED bulb is installed in a newborn baby’s room, that bulb would work until they enter high school. It even has the potential to last until their first day of college!

Fun Facts About Solar Energy

  • Harnessing solar energy from our sun for 60 minutes could cover the total energy demand of the entire Earth for one year. 

  • The history of solar power dates back over 2700 years ago. In 700 BC, glass lenses were used to make fire by magnifying the sun’s rays. The Greeks and Romans used to create buildings with south facing windows to allow the sun to heat and light indoor spaces. The first silicon solar cell was built by Bell Labs in 1954.

  • Solar energy is used to power space crafts. Since the 1950s, various countries have used solar energy to power their space shuttles. The first artificial earth satellite, the Vanguard 1, launched in 1958. It remains the oldest manmade satellite in orbit, logging more than 6 billion miles.

  • As fossil fuels are limited and meant to run out, Solar energy can be the primary source of power  by 2040.

  • A single lightning bolt releases five times more heat than the sun. When bolts from lightning are released into the atmosphere, they heat the air five times hotter than the sun does, up to 30,000°C.

Choose Senergy

To sum up what we do at Senergy Builders, we build energy efficient homes that are revolutionizing the way we think about living spaces. These homes are designed to both minimize energy consumption and simultaneously reduce environmental impact whilst enhancing comfort and functionality. 

From solar panels and smart thermostats to innovative building materials and passive design strategies, energy efficient homes are at the forefront of sustainable living. Embracing our construction practices and methods not only lowers utility bills but also contributes to a greener future for generations to come. 

Our commitment to sustainability is ingrained in every project we undertake, from residential developments to commercial complexes. By harnessing cutting-edge technology and employing eco-friendly materials, we ensure that each structure not only stands the test of time but also minimizes its carbon footprint. Join us in building a brighter, more sustainable future, one energy-efficient construction project at a time.

Thank you for reading our blog and covering the wide range of interesting facts that make the idea of living green even more fun than it already is. 

We hope you have a great summer!

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By Anna Naim 01 Sep, 2024
The movement towards sustainable energy is one of the most transformative and urgent global shifts of our time. Driven by the necessity to combat climate change, reduce environmental impact, and ensure long-term energy security, this movement represents a fundamental rethinking of how we produce, consume, and manage energy. At Senergy Builders, we not only wholeheartedly believe in this movement, but we act on it, bringing it into our very own communities through energy efficient homes and neighborhoods. Let’s delve more into the details of this movement that stands at the core of our mission. Drivers of the Sustainable Energy Movement Climate Change Mitigation One of the primary motivators behind the sustainable energy movement is the urgent need to address climate change. The burning of fossil fuels for energy is the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming and extreme weather events. Transitioning to sustainable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, helps reduce these emissions and mitigates the adverse effects of climate change. Resource Depletion Fossil fuels are finite resources that are being rapidly depleted. As reserves dwindle, the environmental and economic costs of extraction and use rise. Sustainable energy sources, such as renewable resources, are abundant and replenishable, providing a long-term solution to the problem of resource depletion. Energy Security Reliance on imported fossil fuels can pose risks to national security and economic stability. By developing domestic sustainable energy sources, countries can enhance their energy security, reduce dependence on volatile international markets, and stabilize energy prices. Key Technologies in Sustainable Energy Solar Power Solar energy harnesses the power of the sun through photovoltaic (PV) cells or solar thermal systems. Advances in solar technology have led to increased efficiency and reduced costs, making solar power one of the most widely adopted renewable energy sources. Solar farms, rooftop panels, and solar water heaters are common applications of solar technology. Wind Power Wind energy is captured using wind turbines that convert kinetic energy from wind into electrical power. Onshore and offshore wind farms have seen significant growth due to technological improvements and increased efficiency. Wind power is a scalable and versatile solution, suitable for a range of geographic locations. Hydropower Hydropower generates electricity by harnessing the energy of flowing water, typically through dams or run-of-river systems. While large-scale hydropower projects have been criticized for their environmental impacts, small-scale and run-of-river systems offer more sustainable alternatives. Hydropower remains a reliable and consistent source of renewable energy.
By Anna Naim 28 Aug, 2024
In the pursuit of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, sealing and insulating play pivotal roles in achieving an ENERGY STAR rating for homes. ENERGY STAR , for those who are first hearing of the label, is a program established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which identifies and promotes energy efficient products and practices. For a home to receive this prestigious rating, it must adhere to stringent guidelines, which include comprehensive sealing and insulating measures. At Senergy Builders, we are dedicated to delivering unparalleled results with our advanced sealing and insulating practices. You can trust in our team of experts to ensure that your home meets the highest standards of energy efficiency and comfort. By choosing Senergy Builders for your construction project, you’re not only investing in outstanding craftsmanship but also contributing to a more sustainable future. Trust us to enhance your living space with our commitment to quality and environmental responsibility. The Sealing Process Effective sealing is foundational to achieving an ENERGY STAR rating and involves addressing various areas where air leaks commonly occur. Identifying Air Leaks The first step in the sealing process is to identify areas where air leaks are present. Common culprits include gaps around windows and doors, electrical outlets, and plumbing fixtures. Tools like a thermal imaging camera or a simple smoke pencil can help in detecting these leaks. Sealing Gaps and Cracks Once identified, these gaps and cracks should be sealed using appropriate materials. Caulking is often used for smaller gaps around windows and doors, while expanding foam sealants are suitable for larger gaps and cracks. Proper application ensures a tight seal, preventing air from escaping or entering. Weatherstripping For doors and windows, weatherstripping is an effective method to improve sealing. This involves applying strips of material around the edges to create a tight seal when the door or window is closed. Various types of weatherstripping materials are available, including foam, rubber, and vinyl. Insulating Ductwork Ductwork is another critical area for sealing. Leaky ducts can lead to significant energy loss, so sealing and insulating ducts helps to ensure that conditioned air is delivered efficiently to all parts of the home. This can be done using duct sealant or metal tape. The Insulating Process Insulation is crucial for enhancing a home’s thermal resistance and overall energy performance. Choosing the Right Insulation There are several types of insulation materials to choose from, each with its benefits. Fiberglass batts and rolls are common for their affordability and ease of installation. Spray foam insulation provides excellent air sealing and high R-values, making it a popular choice for both new constructions and retrofits. Cellulose insulation, made from recycled paper, offers a sustainable option with good thermal performance. Insulating Attics and Walls Proper insulation of attics and walls is essential for maintaining consistent indoor temperatures. In attics, insulation should be installed between the joists, and in walls, it should be placed within the cavities. Ensuring that these areas are well-insulated helps to minimize heat transfer and improve overall efficiency. Insulating Floors Floors, especially those over unconditioned spaces like crawl spaces or basements, should also be insulated to prevent heat loss. This can be achieved using fiberglass batts or rigid foam boards, which help to maintain warmth in the living areas above. Ensuring Proper Installation The effectiveness of insulation largely depends on proper installation. Gaps, compression, or incorrect placement can reduce the performance of the insulation. Therefore, it’s important to follow manufacturer guidelines and consider professional installation if necessary.
By Anna Naim 02 Aug, 2024
At Senergy Builders , our mission is to help make the Western Slope as sustainable as possible in shifting gears towards energy efficiency. Of course, you can always contact us for new home construction, but there are also other ways to move towards the path of sustainable living. In this blog, let us guide you through various ways you can make your home more energy efficient. Upgrade Your Lighting The lighting systems in buildings play a crucial role not only in enhancing visibility but also in consuming substantial amounts of energy. Traditional lighting technologies such as incandescent, halogen, HID (High-Intensity Discharge), or T12 fluorescent lights are notorious for their inefficiency. They not only drain resources but also lead to higher operational costs. By transitioning to modern, energy efficient alternatives like LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting, building owners and managers can unlock significant savings. LEDs consume up to 75% less energy and last significantly longer than incandescent bulbs, making them a cost-effective choice for lighting your home. LEDs are renowned for their longevity and lower energy consumption, offering a compelling return on investment through reduced maintenance and electricity bills. Conduct a Home Energy Audit A home energy audit is a crucial first step towards understanding your home's energy usage and identifying areas for improvement. You can conduct a basic audit yourself by inspecting doors, windows, insulation, and appliances for air leaks or inefficiencies. Alternatively, professional energy auditors can provide comprehensive assessments using specialized tools to pinpoint energy wastage and recommend tailored solutions. Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances Appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and HVAC systems are major contributors to household energy consumption. Consider replacing older, inefficient appliances with ENERGY STAR certified models that meet strict energy efficiency guidelines. These appliances use significantly less energy and water without sacrificing performance, resulting in long-term savings on utility bills. Some of the appliances we include in a Senergy Builders home include: Professional Classic® Power Direct Vent gas water heaters offer efficiency that is ENERGY STAR® rated (50-Gallon model only) a self-diagnostic system with electronic gas control for improved monitoring and service utmost performance and low emissions a protective control system that disables the heater in the presence of flammable vapor accumulation a two pipe system in which one pipe pulls in outside air for combustion and the other exhausts combustion gasses Flexible venting options that are long (up to 100 feet) Long-lasting tank protection High altitude compliancy 6-Year limited tank and parts warranty, with ProtectionPlusTM the 6-year limited tank warranty becomes 10-year Amana Brand Premium Gas Furnace advantages: A high efficiency rating up to 97% AFUE Modulating and variable-speed models Compatible with smart thermostats and HVAC apps Stainless-steel, dual-diameter tubular primary heat exchanger and secondary heat exchanger Exclusive convertible technology (select models) Durable post-painted finish Corrosion-resistant vent blower Electronic ignition control Multi- or variable- speed blowers Fully-insulated cabinet
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